Pastor Ben Strunk

114 posts

GCM 10th Anniversary (W.I.F.E)

Over the years my wife and I have watched a number of episodes of a television show called Undercover Boss.  Its basic storyline deals with the CEO of some company disguising themselves and then working at various positions and locations within their organization over a week or so period of […]

7 Biblical Points About Sin

One of my favorite professors in seminary was Dr. Larry Hart.  He was a godly man, a wonderful teacher, and had a great sense of humor (much like mine!).  I always sat in the front row of classes when I had opportunity to pick my seat, and I especially enjoyed […]

New Covenant

In case you haven’t heard, I might be running for President in 2020!  At least my son (who just turned 11 on January 2nd—where does the time go?) wants me to.  I told him I could never win but he insists that with him at the helm of the campaign […]

False Assumptions

When Christmas Break comes up in three weeks (O Happy Day!), it will officially mark the mid-way point of my 9th year involved in public education.  However, though I’m only 29!, I’ve actually been involved in teaching on some level for 25 years.  I remember my first position instructing middle […]

Who Are We Afraid Of?

On the 31st of this month (which happens to fall on a Wednesday night this year—so come to church!), millions will flood the streets of America dressed in the garb of ghosts and goblins, the wardrobe of witches and warlocks, and the suits of superheroes and celebrities.  While most at […]