When Christmas Break comes up in three weeks (O Happy Day!), it will officially mark the mid-way point of my 9th year involved in public education. However, though I’m only 29!, I’ve actually been involved in teaching on some level for 25 years. I remember my first position instructing middle […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
I, along with all the other 5,000 public school teachers in Lee County, recently received an email from the District telling us of The “New” Best and Brightest Incentive Program. The details of the email, which took five pages to express, are essentially as follows. Each teacher gets an annual […]
On the 31st of this month (which happens to fall on a Wednesday night this year—so come to church!), millions will flood the streets of America dressed in the garb of ghosts and goblins, the wardrobe of witches and warlocks, and the suits of superheroes and celebrities. While most at […]
I had to go (I mean got to go!) to jury duty a few weeks back. I received my summons in the mail, I put in for the day off from work, I prepared my lesson plans and accompanying materials for the substitute teacher who would fill in for me […]
Why I am not a Muslim When considering the proposition ‘The Quran cannot be the word of God’ we must found our rejection of Islam as a whole on purely rational grounds and not emotional of psychological reasons. The question is simply whether the Quran is a revelation of God. […]
Every now and then the school where I teach asks me to offer a prayer (or “to say a few words”) before certain events. Last year after hearing one such invocation and discovering that I’m a minister, a colleague asked me what church I pastored. I answered and then inquired […]
(*My family used to take an expedition from Florida to Ohio nearly every year to visit relatives. For various reasons we haven’t kept that tradition with as much continuity over the past decade or so. Thankfully, they’ve started to come down and see us fairly frequently so that we still […]
I remember Saturday mornings when I was a kid. My parents would take me bowling at Gold Crown Lanes, a bowling alley in East Ft. Myers off of Palm Beach Boulevard. (It’s since been torn down and now a small grassy field sits next to a cell phone store in […]
Vacation Bible School! Sun., July 8th to Wed., July 11th–6:00 to 8:30 pm nightly Call 239-226-0555 for more info. or to register
One Monday several years ago a preacher friend of mine asked me if I was having a “Blue Monday.” I had never heard that particular expression before and wondered if perhaps, unbeknownst to me, I was not being my normal cheery self! After putting a big (and quick) smile on […]