It’s been awhile since I’ve sent out a Gracelet. Things have been a bit busy, so they may not come out every month as before, but I will get them out as often as I can. I pray that these articles are a blessing to you. I encourage you to […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
11 See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. 12 Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh try to compel you to be circumcised, simply so that they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 For those […]
(*We have been engaged in a series covering the high points from the Book of Genesis on Wednesday evenings. You can get the basic outline of this first and great book of Scripture by knowing: Creation, Fall, Promise of Redemption, Noah, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. The […]
16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was being provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols. 17 So he was reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and in the market place every day with those […]