Gaither videos, The Food Channel, and cable news programs constitute a very high percentage of the television time allowance in the Strunk household. Now, to be honest, we’re not always hanging on every word (unless it’s those glorious Gaither videos). Many times, the television serves as little more than […]
The Gracelet
A few weeks ago my dad told me about a television show he had seen one Friday night called “Undercover Boss”. The episode he watched had the CEO of Popeye’s Chicken (and Biscuits—we dare not forget the biscuits; those wonderful, buttery, flaky, tasty, heavenly, glorious…biscuits!) disguising herself as a […]
It’s been nearly 20 years now since I left the warm, sunny shores of Florida to attend seminary in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Being an only child, a homebody, and very much a mama’s boy, the reality of being more than a thousand miles away from family to pursue God’s calling was […]
A couple of days ago, as oft is the custom at the Strunk house, we found ourselves watching one of the cable news channels. They took a break from the “hard news” of the day in order to have a special interest segment on marriage. The spot began with the […]
Some will remember a few years ago when the St. Louis Rams won the Super Bowl (a distinction that unfortunately the Dallas Cowboys—nor happily the Chicago Bears!—will likely have this season). The highly offensive minded team was called “The Greatest Show on Turf” due to their ability to seemingly produce […]