One Monday several years ago a preacher friend of mine asked me if I was having a “Blue Monday.” I had never heard that particular expression before and wondered if perhaps, unbeknownst to me, I was not being my normal cheery self! After putting a big (and quick) smile on […]
The Gracelet
One Monday several years ago a preacher friend of mine asked me if I was having a “Blue Monday.” I had never heard that particular expression before and wondered if perhaps, unbeknownst to me, I was not being my normal cheery self! After putting a big (and quick) smile on […]
I recently had to call our tv-provider about a discrepancy in our bill. I won’t tell you what company we’re with, but let’s just say I phoned in hoping to speak to someone DirectLy! The issue was that we had signed up for a plan six or eight weeks ago […]
During the month of Valentine’s Day commercials advertising online dating websites will doubtless be filling our television screens (if there’s any time available between the HUGE auto sales spots!). Some of these sites simply ask people for their name, address, occupation, and phone number and ‘match’ them with others in […]
As most of you know, in addition to pastoring I also teach Math to Middle Schoolers. Each August before the school year officially begins for students, the teachers come in a week ahead of time and go through various trainings. The title and subject matter of these annual sessions may […]
***For this month’s newsletter I revisited the first Christmas Gracelet from 2009. It speaks on one of my favorite Scriptures during this time of year, or any other season for that matter, that of Isaiah 9:6. I edited a few things and added a few things (surprise, surprise!—long-windedness is a […]
Many Americans, especially church going folk, are concerned about the cultural decay and moral decline in our country today. Never before have we seen movies more violent, advertising more suggestive, video games more shocking, language more profane, pornography more acceptable and available, music so contemptible, and the list could go […]
As many of you are aware, Pastor Shon and I teach at the same school. There are certain forms that we have to fill out on a regular basis, on a very regular basis. (Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork…and the kids think they have homework!). One such form had to […]
There’s an old story of a well-to-do Ambassador’s wife who was known for giving large stately dinner parties. In fact her events were so grand that she employed a head chef, a full serving staff, and a valet service. On the evening of her premier dinner party of the year […]
Our family went to see Cars 3 a few weeks ago (just a tip—the AMC in North Ft. Myers has a cheap rate—about half the price of anywhere else—being frugal is a Christian virtue!). For those who don’t have a wonderful nine year old and may not have seen the […]