I love to read over the gospel passages on the birth of Jesus during the Christmas season. This year, the verse that stood out to me the most was Luke 2:19 where, after the shepherds came to see the Christ child, Scripture records that “…Mary treasured all these things, pondering […]
The Gracelet
This past Friday my wonderful wife was cleaning up the dishes and consolidating the leftovers from Thanksgiving (you people that get it all done on Thursday are just overachievers!). In the midst of her labors Benji, having seen an open butter bowl on the counter, came from behind and instinctively […]
I don’t think it’s an accident that November is the month when we officially celebrate Thanksgiving because it was in this month that one of the greatest gifts for which I am eternally grateful came to be. My mom was born on November 2nd (I didn’t give the year, but […]
If you watch the news at all you’ve probably heard a recent story about a young man who gave a stunning confession. Earlier in the year he had been out drinking one night, driving himself from one bar to the next. He blacked out at the wheel, drifted into oncoming […]
I gave the first math test of the academic year to my students this past Friday. I’ve graded the exams, some students did okay, for others it wasn’t pretty, but none of them have any legitimate excuse. Some might say the dog ate my notes, but that doesn’t hold up […]
If you’re like me, and like most people I would guess, your “Make Time List” is pretty long. That is, there are several things you would like to do, lots of places you’d like to go, numerous people you’d like to see, if only you could “Make Time” for them. […]
The fourth of July is a special day in the history of America. It was on this day in 1776 that settlers who had been geographically in a ‘New World’ but politically subjects of an old British Guard that ruled them in tyranny codified their determination to be free in […]
The book of Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish Christians who had come to see that Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. Their professed faith in Christ had cost them much. They were considered outcasts by their community. They had lost friends, finances, and even […]
Leading up to “The Kings” presentation I spent much time in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles, going through the reigns of the monarchs of Israel and Judah. From the first ruler of the United Kingdom, Saul, to the split […]
Most of us are probably familiar, perhaps too familiar, with the unofficial holiday of April Fools. In fact, depending upon when this newsletter reaches your door, you may already be smarting from the events of April 1st. (Of course, there are some of us who would do well to limit […]