Jesus Christ is coming soon! Repent and obey the gospel!

History of GCM

Grace Christian Ministries was born in August of 2009.  Feeling a call to minister in the East Fort Myers area, GCM began leasing a building off of Palm Beach Boulevard on Kingston Drive.  During our thirteen months at that location, we were thankful to not only have blessed worship services and instruction in God’s Word, but to begin weekly bread and dessert outreaches to the community as well as serving a once a month meal accompanied by the giving of clothes and other necessary items to those in need.  In September of 2010 the Lord blessed us to move into our present facility at 930 Freemont Street.  Still in East Fort Myers and off of Palm Beach Boulevard, GCM continues ministering to the community through the weekly bread/dessert outreaches and the serving of the monthly meal to those in need.  Our new facility will not only allow for the future growth of the church but also for the pursuit of establishing a Christian school in the years to come.  We long to be a place where Christ is worshipped, the Scriptures are taught, believers are discipled, and the lost are evangelized.  It is our fervent prayer that members of Grace Christian Ministries be equipped and used in their gifts and callings for the glory of God!  We invite you to come, worship, grow, fellowship, and serve with us!